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100% Real Photos Of New York Escorts

Brunette or Blonde?
Do you have a preference when dating a woman? Do you have a particular style of woman that makes you feel good? A lot of men do, actually. While there is the saying that ‘blondes have more fun,’ it is also said that brunettes are sultry, sophisticated, AND fun! So it really is a personal choice! Each woman is different, and each woman brings something personal to an evening out on the town.
Our NYC escorts, whether blonde or brunette, as well as the few redheads, are all fun. It’s hard to put any woman in a box, and no matter the color of her hair, each of our escorts makes a great companion. It can be hard for you to choose, because each escort is beautiful and glamorous in her own way, which is why we show more than a photograph. Our escorts all have bios, and you can read about them, their career, personality, education, and likes and loves.
Are blonde women more in demand?
We think this is a bit of an urban legend. While no man would turn down a Marilyn Monroe-style woman with her stunning blonde hair and incredibly luxurious looks, nobody will turn down a Penelope Cruz either. We think men tend to focus more on overall looks, and not to be minimized, body types too! Some of our most popular escorts in New York are voluptuous, with curves in all the right places. Yet men also adore long, leggy Twiggy-style escorts. It’s always a personal choice.
Sometimes, it’s about a curl!
You might be reading this and thinking, hmmmm, you definitely prefer blonde women. But something you might not have thought about is the length of hair, the curls, the gentle wisps of hair around a woman’s neck, locks of hair cascading down her back, or even, a short pixie look. In fact, we think you know it’s not about hair color, or length, or style, at all! It’s about the woman, and as a whole, what she has to offer!
What do you want in an escort?
This is probably the best question you should ask yourself when booking a NY escort. What do you want out of the evening? Are you looking for a great conversation? We know that all our escorts can provide that? Do you want a light evening, with laughter and fun and a little frivolity? All our escorts can provide that too. Do you want quiet time, sitting in a hotel bar, sipping a cocktail? Or perhaps, want a walk around the city or in Central Park? Our escorts are women who are multi-dimensional. They can be quiet, they can be loud, they can be serious, and they can be fun. They’re all bright. They’re all beautiful. You get to choose!
You’re allowed to change your mind
While we know that each of our NYC escorts is a wonderful company, we also know that some men like variety. Not all men, as many of our customers come back time and time again, like to date the same woman each time. Some of our customers, new and old, like to meet new women. A date can be a fun, and fabulous evening, it can be the start of a new relationship. It can be purely for the company and a fun night out, or it can be to beat the nighttime blues. Many of the men who use our services visit New York for business or have a long weekend; they get to experience blondes and brunettes.
Our escorts are sophisticated
Whether you see the same NY escort each time, or you like to change things up, our escorts are all professional. They are charming, gracious, elegant, and sophisticated. They are elite and upmarket, and whether it is a once-off date, perhaps a drink and theatre, or weekend company, our escorts will always provide marvelous company. They are amusing, entertaining, bright, and beautiful. Some are blonde, some are brunette, some are red-headed and fiery, but each one is delightful. And each one will leave you feeling comfortable.
When you date one of our escorts New York, you have expectations. You expect the woman to be beautiful, be in good shape, be wonderful company, and be bright and light and lovely. Our escorts have certain expectations too. While they don’t mind if you choose a night at the theatre, an evening in a nightclub, or a quiet night in front of a fire, they do expect to be treated well and with respect. It doesn’t matter if they are blonde or brunette; they appreciate good manners, kindness, and generosity. And in return, they will always be kind and generous too.
Blonde or brunette? You know it’s about more than just the hair color…